风河系统公司2010校园招聘-Wind River 2010校园招聘
作者:海南人才招聘网 来源:海南人才网整理 日期:2009-12-10 浏览 296

 [北京|成都]风河系统公司2010校园招聘-Wind River 2010校园招聘

  Wind River 风河系统公司2010校园招聘


  2、 风河系统公司占据超过30%的商业级市场*,4倍于竞争对手


  关于Wind River

  风河(Wind River)是Intel (NASDAQ: INTC)的全资子公司,也是全球领先的设备软件优化(DSO)提供商。风河公司支持企业以更快的速度、更好的品质、更低的成本和更高的可靠性来开发、运行和管理设备软件。风河平台(Wind River platforms)是预先集成、完全标准化的企业级解决方案,在软件开发从概念设计到产品成形的全过程中的各个阶段,都可帮助企业大幅度降低其人力、物力、财力成本,优化软件质量和可靠性。




  风河一贯重视产品质量并持续在产品研发上投资。目前我们在全球设有六个研发中心,仅过去一年在研发上的投资就达8400万美金。中国研发中心创立于2006年,三年来我们成长迅速,目前规模已居于全球六个研发中心之首,已拥有200 多名优秀的技术人才,分别服务于Vxwork、Linux、Workbench和DM等各个产品线的开发和测试团队。2009年我们在成都成立了中国区的第二个研发中心。




  1、VxWorks Multicore Development Engineer (Location: Beijing)

  This position will be responsible for the design, development and maintenance of the exciting multi-core technology; engineers should provide professional technical support and ensure TTM and quality of Wind River products.

  2、VxWorks Networking Development Engineer (Location: Beijing)

  The development engineer will be working for maintain IP stack and networking protocols for multiple VxWorks version to meet customer and market's requirements.

  3、Vxworks BSP Development Engineer (Location: Beijing/Chengdu)

  BSP engineer will be responsible for the design, development device drivers, board support package, CPU architecture support OS running and contribute to VxWorks support on various CPU, board, and hardware interface.

  4、VxWorks Core OS Test Engineer (Location: Beijing)

  This position will be responsible for the design, development and execution of the functional testing of VxWorks. The candidate will be involved in creating and maintaining automation test tools and developing test strategies.

  5、VxWorks Core OS Development Engineer (Location: Beijing/Chengdu)

  Core OS developing engineer will be responsible for the designing, developing and supporting VxWorks core operating system.

 6、VxWorks Multicore Test Engineer (Location: Beijing)

  This position will be responsible for the design, development and execution of the functional testing of Multicore/Multi-OS. The candidate will be involved in creating and maintaining automation test tools and developing test strategies.

  7、VxWorks Networking and Midware Test Engineer (Location: Beijing/Chengdu)

  Engineer in this postion will work with Engineering and Marketing to define requirements, review test results from several sources and developing automated tests to improve the testing process to make sure the products can cover customer requirements.

  8、Linux BSP Development Engineer (Location: Beijing)

  Linux BSP Engineer is responsible for the BSP development of Wind River Linux Platform product. The candidate will have the chance to be responsible for the new board bring up, device drivers, and BSP development enabling Linux Platform running on a new evaluation board from semiconductor.

  9、Linux Userspace Application Development Engineer (Location: Beijing)

  The development Engineer is responsible for the integration of open source community application packages into Wind River Linux Platform and fixing the bugs of the userspace application packages in Wind River Linux Platform.





  简历在线接收: 12月04日--12月23日

  现场笔试: 12月27日


  第二轮面试: 2010年1月11日--2010年1月15日

  发放OFFER: 2010年1月20日--2010年1月25日




